Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Ovarian Cancer Recurrence

Recurrence is common in many cancers, and unfortunately very common in advanced stage ovarian cancer.  I knew I would face this again but had hoped it would be many years from now. Here we are, 3 years after surgery (2.5 yrs after treatment) facing this beast again. Ovarian cancer recurrence means this cancer is incurable, I will continue to get treatment for the rest of my time. Thankful for medicine and research 🔬 

The last couple of years I have managed quite well, enjoying life with family and friends!  We've had 2 daughters graduate from high school and move on to their studies in university.  They make us incredibly proud of the adults they are becoming. We've watched our youngest daughter, grow up so much and she's becoming quite a special kind lady! She has a passion for reading and has read the entire Harry Potter series (twice), and now is making me watch all the movies with her (her 2nd or 3rd time) I wasn't a big HP fan but have learned more than I'll ever need to know over the last couple of months. We've done less traveling than we would have liked, but much like the rest of the world travel has had to take a back seat.  We've enjoyed playing lots of golf, a new fav pastime for my husband and I.  I played over 70 games last summer.

I've  had to resign from my job which was a very difficult move but it was necessary.  I will soon begin treatment and possibly surgery so I won't be much use in the office.  I work with my husband and we really enjoyed our work partnership. I'll miss my work family and all the lovely patients. Working in a family medicine office, many patients become a special part of your life. They'll all be missed (most of them lol ) 

Now I have to get prepared for another challenge. We will do everything we can to knock this cancer out so we can move onto bigger and better things in life.  I ask that you reach out to my family if you are a friend of theirs, they are hurting too and can always use a little love. While this is a tough road for me, I feel it's harder for them at times.  We appreciate the kindness, love and support from everyone.




  1. Christa, so admire your approach to your situation and wishing you strength, courage, and of course, success. Sending you much love and I will visit when I return home.
    Johanna ❤️

  2. You have been on my mind a lot of late. Sweet Ava is welcome here any time! Praying for you and your family

  3. We so admire your courage, Christa. Praying for you all as you undertake this journey once again. Sending love to you all. <3

  4. I admire your courage and honesty, Christa, and send you and Sheldon and your family strength and compassion for the fight ahead.
